



Established in 2003, the “Left Motion Filmmakers Collective” has so far made two films: “Taipei, Looking Up” and “Street Survivor”. The group sets forth to make documentary and feature films with a leftist perspective.

This filmmaker’s collective should be seen as one person, and its members as body parts of the person. To make a film, the body parts gather, forming a human body, and divide the labor. Some becomes the head, others the hands; while some function as the feet and others as the heart. The assignment of tasks is not fixed, and members of the group are not definite. Members come and go, only under a collective belief. Such a “collective” does not even have a physical existence; it becomes of vessel of filmmaking only when there are films to make, to let those who share the same heart join or leave the vessel. It is, hence, a ghost or a spirit. A spirit is free; more importantly, a spirit should have the strength.

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